Monday, January 31, 2011


沢尻離婚届に期限 切れれば「私が出せる」

女優沢尻エリカ(24)が30日午前、成田空港着の航空機でマレーシアから帰国し、夫の高城剛氏(46)に再反論した。高城氏は沢尻がマレーシアに 滞在していた27日に日刊スポーツなどの取材に応じ、エイベックスと沢尻との契約の調整を進める弁護士から「離婚が契約の条件」だと言われたことを明言。 しかし、沢尻はこの日、あらためて「そういう条件はありません。離婚は自分の気持ちだけです」と強調した。ツイッターで離婚条件が契約条件に入っていない ことを主張し、暗に高城氏を批判してきたエイベックスの松浦勝人社長と同じ主張だ。

沢尻は、出国時と同じ黒い大きなストールを巻いて現れた。高城氏が帰国し、既に沢尻に離婚届を渡していることも含め、言い分を主張したことについては 「はい。テレビで見ました」と笑顔で認めた。その上で同届に自身はサインも押印もしていないものの、「今はスペインのきちんとした施設に預けています」と 明らかにした。

また、離婚届の提出時期について「2人の期限があって、その期限が過ぎたら私の権限で出します」と明言した。関係者によると、同時期は、仕事を含めた関 係各方面の調整を終える「夏に入る前」とみられている。一方で、高城氏が「(沢尻から)嫌いじゃないと言われた」と話したことに関しては、苦笑いで口を閉 ざした。

マレーシアで受けた集中エステについては、「良かったです」とにこやかに答えた。キャップとストールで隠れてはいたが、髪にパーマをかけてカットした感 じは垣間見られた。「これから家に帰ってゆっくりしたいです」。次に公の場に現れる際は、イメチェンした沢尻が見られるかもしれない。

Saturday, January 29, 2011


In my never-ending quest to find the best way to study Japanese, I've been fooling around with Posterous, using my alternate blog Commanding Language.
There, I have been working on short translations, trying to type out at least one each day --without using a dictionary. These quick and dirty translations are without a doubt riddled with mistakes, both in English and Japanese. But they are helping me get a feel for the process.
What I'd like to do with these translations for readers is add any insight/useful vocab that I came across in the process of writing them. Hopefully, I will come across some ideas that will be valuable to my fellow budding translators/Japanese learners.
So, for the time being, I will be mainly posting from there. If translations don't completely come across to 男らしい, please check Commanding Language.


forcing a kiss - translation 1/29

パトカー内で部下の女性警官に強制キス、警部補を書類送検 兵庫

Officer forces self on female subordinate inside police car

同僚の女性警察官にわいせつな行為をしたとして、兵庫県警が、強制わいせつ容疑で同県内の警察署に勤務する男性警部補(31)を書類送検したことが28 日、捜査関係者への取材でわかった。県警は同日、この警部補を停職6カ月の処分にした。警部補は「大変申し訳ないことをした」と事実を認め、依願退職した という。

Papers have been sent to prosecutors in Hyogo Prefecture after a 31-year-old male police officer employed with the prefectural police attempted to force himself on a female subordinate, sources close to the matter said Friday.

According to police, the officer has been suspended for six months after admitting and apologizing for the act.


Sources have said that the officer allegedly fondled a female coworker's hair and forced her to kiss him inside a patrol car on Nov. 23 and 27 last year while on patrol.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

In case of disaster: foreigner version 1/16

消火器は「火を消す道具」 外国人にやさしい災害用語集

A fire extinguisher is a tool to put out fires: Simple disaster vocab for foreigners

「消 火器」は「火を消す道具」、「給水」は「水をもらうこと」――。被災時に外国人に情報を伝えるには、外国語よりも分かりやすい日本語が効果的だと、青森県 弘前市の弘前大学社会言語学研究室が「『やさしい日本語』版災害基礎語彙(ごい)100」を作った。阪神大震災の起きた17日に合わせてホームページで公 表する。

"Fire extinguisher," has become "tool to put out fires," while "water supply" has become "place where you get water."

In order to convey information to foreigners more easily during times of disasters, and because easy Japanese is more effective than foreign languages, the Social Language Research Center at Hirosaki University in Aomori Prefecture has created the "Basic Disaster Vocabulary 100: Easy Japanese edition." The new usages were announced on the organization's homepage on Jan. 17, the anniversary of the Great Hanshin Earthquake.


Compiling the glossary was based on compositions by pupils who lived through the 1983 Nihonkai-Chubu earthquake and the Hanshin disaster in 1995. The 100 most frequently used terms from the compositions were chosen. Of the 100, 47 phrases in the Japanese Proficiency Test, levels 1 and 2, have been rephrased to "easy Japanese."


Some examples of the rephrasing include such changes as "daishinsai" to "ookii jishin" and "kaichuu dentou" to "te ni motsu denki." Twenty foreigners were also asked about the changes in an effort to check their understanding of the rephrasing.


The recent vocabulary revamp is an attempt to avoid a reoccurence the events after the Hanshin quake, when a large number of foreigners were left out of the loop and stranded because the available disaster information was insufficient.


"In order to guide foreigners to evacuation centers and deliver the minimum necessary information to get by, using everyday, simple Japanese is faster than translating the information into English -- and it works better for people who speak other languages," said professor Kazuyuki Sato, of the Hirosaki research center.


The same researchers hope that local bodies, fire departments, and other volunteer groups will put the new vocabulary lists into practce when broadcasting information via radio and wireless communications and in foreigner-oriented disaster-prevention posters.


There are some Japanese who have the preconcieved notion that information must be conveyed to foreigners only in English or other foriegn languages --even times of disaster, but using simple Japanese as much as possible can also be extremely helpful," Sato said.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Immigration translation 1/15

外国からの入国者数、最多に 10年、中国ビザ緩和影響

Foreigners entering country hit new high in 2010 on eased Chinese visa restrictions


Last year, the number of foreigners entering the country hit a record 9.4 million people -- the highest number since records began in 1950, according to Justice Ministry's Immigration Bureau statistics.


According to both agencies, 2009 saw a year-on-year slip in the number of foreigners visiting the country -- a decrease of 1.56 million to 7.58 million -- due to both the spread of swine flu and the effects of the global economic meltdown. In a reversal, visiting Chinese rose roughly 1.86 million over the last 10 years after the government eased rules for tourist visas for citizens of the communist country.


By country, visitors from South Korea were the most, with approximately 2.69 million tourists. They were followed by visitors from the Chinese mainland (1.66 million), Taiwan (1.31 million), the United States (760,000), and Hong Kong (480,000). Those coming from South Korea rose nearly 46% year on year, with those from the Chinese mainland seeing a 34% rise over the same period.


However, visitors from the mainland and from Hong Kong saw a dramatic drop in the wake of an incident near the disputed Senkaku Islands area off Okinawa Prefecture that saw a Chinese fishing vessel crash into Japanese Coast Guard vessels. August saw roughly 250,000 tourists from the mainland and Hong Kong, but that dropped to 190,000 in September, 160,000 in October and again to 110,000 in November.

The Senkaku Islands are claimed by China, Japan and Taiwan, but are administered by Japan.


Japanese traveling abroad also saw an increase in 2010 from the previous year of about 1.19 million travelers to about 16.64 million in total.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Star Wars translation 1/14


Vader to vault off screen? Star Wars series to be released in 3D


Director George Lucas' has set out to to have all six films in his popular Star Wars series redone in 3D, the films' distributor, 20th Century Fox, were announced, Friday. Lucas' own Lucas Films will be handling production, with Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) handling visual effects.

第1弾は「スター・ウォーズ エピソード1 ファントム・メナス」。2012年公開の予定だ。宇宙を舞台に共和国軍と帝国軍が世代を超えて戦う同シリー ズは、1977年に1作目が公開され(日本は78年)、05年に完結。6作合わせ、全世界で約41億ドルの興行収入を上げている。

The first to be released, Star Wars The Phantom Menace, has been slated for a 2012 release in theaters. With the galaxy as the setting, the Republic and Imperial Armies' battles have spanned generations -- from 1977, when the first in the series was released, to 2005, with the series conclusion. The six titles in total have raked in $4.1 billion at box offices worldwide.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hamasaki translation 1/12


Japanese singer Ayumi Hamasaki, 32, was married on New Year's Day to little-known Australian actor Manuel Schwartz, 30, in a U.S. ceremony, her offices said.


The singer began dating Schwartz, who lives in Los Angeles, after filming a music video together in August.


Hamasaki debuted as a singer in 1998 and from 2001-2003, she dominated the Japanese pop music scene, winning three straight Japan Record awards. Hamasaki has also been a fashion leader among young ladies. In January 2008, it was disclosed that the singer   had lost hearing in her left ear.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Twitter postage!

Dudes and dudettes:

I will be posting N1-level vocab via @jljzen on Twitter for the next month-plus for the coming JLPT on Dec. 5. If you have any feedback, questions, or complaints, please reply here to my Tweets by clicking on the Twitter box at right. Enjoy!


Friday, October 15, 2010


Thanks for following 中途半端な文法. This entry will close out my review of grammar. Next up: Translation practice via my Tumblr site.

Must not
例文: 芝生に入るべからず。(立て札)
Old written form, not often seen today, but sometimes found on bulletin boards and billboards.

2.までだ: Just have to ~ (often expressing resignation)
例文: 終電も行っちゃったから、歩いて帰るまでだ
Expresses speaker's resignation or resolve that there are no other appropriate alternatives so must he or she must try some last resort.

3.にはあたらない: Not so much as to~ ; unnecessary
例文: この程度のことは誰でもできる。賞賛するにはあたらない。
Expresses speaker's low opinion of something. Often appends to verbs like 賞賛・驚く・感謝する・ほめる

4.でなくてなんだろう: If this isn't ~, then what is it?
例文: 彼は体の弱い妻のために空気のきれいな所へ引っ越すことを考えているようだ。これが愛でなくてなんだろう
Expresses feeling by mentioning abstract noun and saying that it is par excellence. Written form seen in novels, essays, etc.

5.とは: The fact that~
例文: 上司に喧嘩を売るとは。君も思い切ったことをするね。
Shows disbelief or deep emotion about unexpected fact that was seen or heard. Fact precedes pattern, expression of surprise follows. Spoken form is なんて.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Experimenting with Tumblr

As a side project, I've been using Tumblr as a private blog/study space recently, as it's easy to use via iPhone on the train. If you, dear reader, have time, head over and check it out at:
