Friday, July 02, 2010


1. が最後 ・ たら最後: Once you ... that's it; If ... that will be the end of it.
例文: 勉強せずに試験を受けたら最後、絶対に失敗する。 
Notes: Conveys a feeling that is someone does some particular action, everything will be lose/over. This pattern is also used to convey a sense that once you start something, that situation will continue. たら最後 is the more colloquial version.

2. なくして(は): Without ...; if it were not for ...
例文: 努力なくしては成功なんかあり得ない。 
Notes: Carries nuance of "without X, it would be difficult to Y. Pattern follows a noun, which are desirable things. Sometimes seen in the idiom 愛をなくして何の人生だろう。

3. とあれば: If for ...
例文: 子供の教育費とあれば、多少の出費も仕方がない。 
Notes: Pattern is used when something is necessary or acceptable because X is for something. Often used in idiom ためとあれば. Requests or invitations do not follow pattern.

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