Friday, July 02, 2010


1. たところで: Even supposing...; Even if...
例文: いくらでも話し合ったところで、例の問題を解決することはできない。 
Notes: Describes speaker's judgment that even if something does occur, results will defy expectations and be in vain or marginal in the end. Past tense can't be used in the final clause. Often used with どんだに、いくら、たとえ.

2. であれ: Regardless of ...
例文: 命令されたことが何であれ、気ちゃんと最後までやらなければならない。 
Notes: Clause signifies that situation stays the same regardless of what is listed in previous clause. Subjective conjecture. Often used with たとえ and interrogatives.

3. う(よう)が ・ う(よう)と(も): No matter what; whether... or....
例文: あの人がどこへ行こうが、私には関係ないことです。 
Notes: Same meaning as ても, but not as strong of assertion. * is an idiom commonly heard, meaning approximately "whether rain or shine." The repetition is used to strengthen the assertion.

4. う(よう)が~まいが ・ う(よう)と~まいと: Regardless of X or not ...
例文: あの人が来ようが来るまいが、予定は変更しません。 
Notes: Two grammar points are virtually identical. The pattern supposes that whether or not something is done, clause that follow is valid. まい is the old form of negation for V-よう.

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