Tuesday, June 29, 2010


1. ときたら: Discusses something trivial in a criticizing or dissatisfied manner.
例文: 周りの家はみんなきれいなのに、うちのときたら、草だらけだよ。 
Notes: Usage is similar to と言えば

2. とはいえ: Although, be that as it may, admittedly.
例文: 疲れているとはいえ、出勤できないほどではない。 
Notes: Other interpretations could be ①"Although it is said that..." ② "admittedly..." Is a more formal version of とはいっても. Opinions, judgment often follow.

3. といえども: Even though, although.
例文: ここは山の中といえども、何でもそろっている。 
Notes: Usually found in written or formal speech. といっても is the colloquial version.

4. ながらも: Even though.
例文: 移転したばかりの新しい事務所は、狭いながらも駅に近いので満足している。 
Notes: More formal than ながら.

5. ところを: Even though.
例文: お忙しいところをわざわざ来てくださってありがとうございます。 
Notes: Shows consideration for party's situation and that speaker has done something regardless of said situation. Often used idiomatically: お休みのところを, ご多忙のところを.

6. ものを: Even though, How could you...? You should/could have ...
例文: 木村さんが困っているのを知っていれば、助けてあげたものを。 
Notes: This pattern shows a vexation or dissatisfaction with reality. It often describes emotions of bitterness/regret/criticism. The clause following is often omitted (as in 例文).

7. と思いきや: Though I thought... it wasn't the case.
例文: ちゃんと家賃払ったと思いきや、実は私の思い違いだった。 
Notes: Denotes surprise at something not turning out as expected. Slightly old-fashioned, but often used for humorous effect. Not used in formal language/essays.

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