Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Welcome to the next part in the thrilling "Half-baked attempt to study N1-level grammar." Today, I'll be reviewing.words out of the 無関係 無視 例外 section of the my grammar book.

1.~をものともせず: In spite of ~
例文: 年をものともせずにマラソンに参加するつもりです。
In spite of my age, I intend to enter the marathon.
Notes: Used when overcoming some kind of obstacle or challenge; 頑張るときに使われる; 「何何」に負けないで

2. ~ をよそに: Ignoring~ ; contrary to ~ ; indifferent to ~
例文: 妻のアドバイスをよそに、美味しいものばかり食べている。
I've been ignoring my wife's advice, eating nothing but junk food.
Notes: Expresses indifference to warnings, criticism, advice, rumors, opposition, wishes, etc.

3. ~はいざしらず・ならいざしらず: I don't know about X, but Y ~ ; X is one thing, but Y is ~
例文: お金持ちはいざ知らず、僕がそんな贅沢な暮らしをできるわけがない。
It's one thing for a rich guy to live that way, but there's no way I could live that kind of a luxurious lifestyle.
Notes: This is a bit difficult to sum up into an exact English translation, but basically it says X is an extreme example/exception, so whatever, but Y is (not an exception). ~は特別だから例外だが~

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